202011191640 Nortel Card, NNTMC90069WT NTAK20BDE5 02 M201001 NNTMC90056YH NTBK51CAE5 01 M200912 NNTMC9007N1P NNTMC9007N1P NTBK50AAE5 02
202108161414 Nortel Card NTBK50AAE5 includes addon card NNTMC9008X5C. NOTE MISSING ONE ADDON CARD!! (2)
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202011191640 Nortel Card, NNTMC90069WT NTAK20BDE5 02 M201001 NNTMC90056YH NTBK51CAE5 01 M200912 NNTMC9007N1P NNTMC9007N1P NTBK50AAE5 02
202108161414 Nortel Card NTBK50AAE5 includes addon card NNTMC9008X5C. NOTE MISSING ONE ADDON CARD!! (2)